Thursday, September 20, 2012

Miranda's P.O.V. (blonde moments)

hey guys,
Sorry I haven't put up a post in a bit, I totally forgot how to make them xD.
Anyway, right now I'm with Chrissy and we're about to finish up the next chapter and maybe more.
We're gonna check over the chapters we have as of right now and post some of them.
So we're gonna do that now so i'll keep this post short and simple.
Look for these chapters at and also check out our website, . it's still a work in progress so dont judge! :)

-Miranda xoxo <3

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chrissy's P.O.V.(I guess I'm the slacker O.o)

So, as it turns out, I'm the one who has some catching up to do. Well, Miranda got more work done than me, but I guess just because I didn't talk to Miranda doesn't mean she stopped writing.
Unlike me, I haven't finished my chapter yet- At all.

Sorry Manda!

Oh, and another thing, Grade 9 isn't that bad. It's like Grade 7 on steroids.

Yeah, that made sense.

Anyway, I guess since this will be short, so I'll let you in on a suprise.



Spoiler: Amanda bites the biscuit


That's pretty much it for this post, Spoiler Tuesday was inspired by my friend, who celebrates another weird thing on Tuesdays, so, GOOD LUCK.

(Hint: It involves Doctor Who and is Tennant Tuesday. Weird, right?)

There will be another post tomorrow or the next day- even then, don't hold your breath XD


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Miranda's P.O.V. (Co-author found)

Hey guys,
Sorry I've been MIA as Chrissy puts it but I have been busy since school started, high school is a lot busier than junior high (But Chrissy wouldn't know that because she's a loser grade nine xD).
However this 'certain blonde' has actually finished said chapter and is already halfway through the next thank you very much Chrissy. So as of right now I am listening to some music and finishing my chapter.

So, we are just about to get into the action and sadness and (little bit of a spoiler alert, kinda?) a very depressed, shocked and out of commission Nicole. so look out for all that fun stuff and more in the new coming chapters, and they should come pretty fast because like i said, not much to do for Nicole.

All I gotta say for now, so i'll do another post in a couple days.

-Miranda xox :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chrissy's POV (Missing Co-Author)

Hey Everyone.

I may not be able to right very long, because I am very worried.

My co-author is missing! I haven't seen a post from her in so long!

Okay, seriously, I'm only kidding, Miranda is perfectly fine (or so I think) she's just very busy since her school started, and it's only been a couple of days.

Miranda, if you're reading this, you've been bad! lol

I need to go now, I want to get another chapter finished and ready, all I need is a certain blond to continue writing her chapter so she can get ahead..



Monday, September 3, 2012

Chrissy's P.O.V. (Just got back!)

Hey Everyone! 

We`re back! I am currently getting ready to post another chapter, so check that out. 
Also, our ideas have changed a little bit, and over time I think that will probably be happening quite a lot. 

     Anyway, we have up to fourteen chapters written and now they all just need to be revised. Now that we`re back from our weekend vacation, it means we may have a little less time to write due to other things happening soon. 
     We will always keep writing though, because who knows what`s going to happen, and I for one am very excited about this. 
     Miranda and I made a little video clip of my twin sister Kaitlyn (Inspiration for Katie the big sister,) and we are basically showing the our inspiration for the house in Margaree, and we are also answering questions we think you may have at the start. 

That`s pretty much it for now, Chapter 3 will be posted tonight, and after that, who knows? 

