Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chrissy is a GENIUS!

Hey all of you 95 people!

Oh gosh, where do I even start!? First off, happy 2013! I know that was months ago but oh well, this is our first blog post this year. That's actually sad since this March second and out last blog post was November twenty-fifth. However, I promise to try and update more often, and to stop forgetting the user and password,  maybe I will write it down or something.

On a really bittersweet note, we are on chapter 54! We have so may... a lot... a couple.. okay, we have a rough idea for the end.... but it's really good! its a really big plot twist and Chrissy is a genius for coming up with it. Not only that, but she remembered the user and password for the blog! I think she deserves a round of applause *clap clap clap*. We are really sad to be so close to the end and I keep putting off writing my chapters because I don't want to be done. It is really such a great story and so realistic too, as much as it can be when there is a zombie apocalypse, and its really just so personal to us because its the first story we will ever finish. and YES, it will be finished.

However, I have some bad news, my computer has some viruses. Like a ton of them. It's my fault for not having any anti-virus (which I got last night) and I feel sooooo sour today. Also, if that wasn't enough, I can't use my Microsoft word because some main file on it wont work, and since me and Chrissy both use my computer to write... well basically we can't. BUT, never fear because we are going to try a couple more things before we get all upset. Also, if you have any suggestions to help, don't be afraid to tell us because that would really help.

On a more positive note, 95 people now .. I don't know, follow?.. us on blogger. I don't know what the right word if but i still feel proud the almost 100 people can put up with us taking weeks to post! So thank you to all of you who read this, we really appreciate it.

As for the computer, my birthday is later on this month so maybe I will get a new computer! :D probably not but I can dream!

So I have to wrap this up, I'm going to the mall! so I guess that's it for now, expect an update in the next few days!


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